Author: Danny Werachowski

Place Based Healing

I had a pal in highschool who referred to the gently rolling hills of east Portage County as “God’s Country”. My dad often reminds me that all the water running West of Custer Hill...

Weekly Plan 4-20-19

Saturday, April 20th high of 63, low of 42 with sunny skies.The group will go to the greenhouse to plant hemp and transplant tomatoes. One person will make a soil run. After planting, we...

Weekly Plan 4-13-19

Saturday, April 13th high of 36 low of 22 with cloudy skies. Daily Coordinator: Logan.On Saturday, the group will meet at the IDEA center for our weekly member meeting. Logan, Fanni, and Monica will...

Weekly Plan 4-6-2019

Saturday April 6th, high of 57 low of 46 with rain expected. Daily Coordinator: Logan.The group will have their weekly planning meeting at 8:30 AM at the Farmshed greenhouse. Danny and Logan will move...

Weekly Plan 3-30-2019

Saturday 3/30, high of 35 low of 22 with partly cloudy skies. Daily coordinator: Logan. Lee and Oren will hold a finance meeting after the weekly member meeting.  Corrina and Danny will drive to...

Weekly Plan 3-23-19

Saturday 3/23 high of 49 low of 28 with sunny skies.The compost team will hold their weekly meeting at 9:30 in the morning. Danny will make a Facebook post about our weekly meetings, and...

Weekly Plan 3-16-19

Saturday 3/16, high of 32 low of 13 with partly cloudy skies. The compost team will be having their weekly meeting in the morning, following the weekly member meeting. Sunday 3/17, high of 35...

Weekly Plan 3-9-19

Saturday March 9th, high of 37 low of 24, snow and wind expected. The compost team will be meeting in the morning for a weekly meeting. Corrina, Kelly, and Monica will meet at the...